The logical problem of evil

  • Created by: millb32
  • Created on: 22-02-21 15:53
what does the logical problem of evil argue?
the logical problem of evil argues that the presence of evil in the world makes God's existence impossible
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who were the three main scholars who developed the logical problem of evil?
epicurus, mackie and hume
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which one of these scholars were responsible for the creation of the inconsistent triad?
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what are the three main components of the inconsistent triad?
ominbenevolent God
Omnipotent God
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What are the 4 points of the logical problem of evil by Epicurus?
1. God is willing but not able to prevent evil - he is not omnipotent
2. God is able but not willing to prevent evil - he is malevolent
3. God is both willing and able - whence cometh evil?
4. God is neither able nor willing - why call him God?
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why does God have responsible for the world and everything in it?
he alone created the world out of nothing
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if God is omnipotent, what could he have created the world without?
the possibility of evil and suffering and the world going wrong
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God's omnipotence would also mean that he'd be able to prevent what if it did occur?
evil and suffering
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what other charcteristic of God means he would be able to stop evil?
omniscient, he knows about evil and knows how to stop it
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True or false? Hume claimed that only 2 of the 3 on the inconsistent triad can exist together
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why does Hume believe evil is a factor that must exist?
because its effects are felt worldwide
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complete... if evil does exist, God must either be not .... or he must be ....
omnipotent or malcious
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why is God being described as omnibenevolent a problem when looking at the problem of evil?
he would wish to end all evil and suffering as he would not want to see his creation suffer
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why is God being described as omnipotent a problem when looking at the problem of evil?
if he was omnipotent, he could immediately put an end to all evil and suffering if he so wished
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What did Mackie believe all humans have?
free will
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how could God have made us and our free will that would avoid evil?
made us use our free will wisely and choose good every time
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what are Mackie's 4 points for the logical problem of evil?
1. a God who is omnibenevolent has a motive to get rid of evil
2. a God who is omnipotent has the ability to get rid of evil
3. evil exists in the world
4. therefore either God doesn't exist or he isn't omnipotent and omnibenevolent
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


who were the three main scholars who developed the logical problem of evil?


epicurus, mackie and hume

Card 3


which one of these scholars were responsible for the creation of the inconsistent triad?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are the three main components of the inconsistent triad?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the 4 points of the logical problem of evil by Epicurus?


Preview of the front of card 5
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