Assess the view that Augustine's interpretation of the fall successfully explains the problem of evil


Assess the view that Augustine's interpretation of the fall successfully explains the problem of evil


  • emphasises the fact that christians need to put their faith in God and trust his judgement
  • may be wrong about the fall being the exact reason for all evil and suffering, he could still be right about human nature being corrupted by OS
  • MAIN POINT- variety 'privatio boni' balance of good and evil. naturally things will have more strengths and abilities than others


  • not our fault we have original sin, does a child deserve cancer because of OS
  • he could maintain adults deserve natural evil, but its illogical to say the same for children who cant even consciously choose to sin
  • reflects on his society and upbringing; not human nature. are the way we are as we are raised that way and nature is blamed for this because of our upbringing being corrupted "educated in evil" PELAGIUS
  • absence of good doesn't justify  genocides
  • leaves us to question the all-loving God
  • created view from biblical text taken literally especially 'fallen angels'.


Fails to solve or justify logical problem of evil


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