The Little Jazz Mass

  • Created by: sesimones
  • Created on: 16-01-20 17:38
Sorry - Syncopation
B -1 - piano descending syncopated dotted crotchet, tied crotchet and quaver motif against steady quavers of left hand. B 4 - Kyrie, quaver rest before they come in gives syncopated feeling. triplets in Agnus Dei. striking Lytham for Christ in B14.
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I - Improvisation
B 4 - note held on giving sue for the piano to improvise. B239 of Agnus Dei - repetitive triplets sung by the sopranos, improvisatory nature as it is contrasted with the homophonic chords in rest of choir.
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Ran - Riffs and Ostinatos
introduction of Kyrie - consists of added note chords and syncopated rhythms , creating a riff like feel on top of the steady quavers in the left hand. continues when choir enters and comes back at certain points in the movement.
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Away - Added note chords
B 15 - kyrie - christe G(7+9) chord - this type of chord is heard later on in lesson B18 as there is an Fminor chord with an added 7th and 9th. Agnus Dei - B 211- miserere Fminor 7 chord and a B Flat 9 chord which gives a similar feel to the intro .
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Having - Homophpnic textures, close harmonies and vocal harmony
changing vocal textures - B8-9 in the Kyrie - Kyrie Eleison during the Keri the choir is singing in unison but during the rest of the line they are singing in harmony and homophonically for the first time. Harmonic technique - quartal harmionies -
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harmonies which move in 4ths - Agnus Dei B217 - bis - which is a quartile chord. these harmonies can also be seen at the start of the Kyrie as there is an emphasis on fourths.
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Emotional - emulation of popular chords
B3 of Kyrie - Latin American begune feeling through the shifting accents. Agnus Dei - Bluesy feel through the whole movt- relaxed tempo steady crotchets in RH and conjunct movt in vocal parts in 211 in miserere.B244 key change at the end from Fm-Gm
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Issues - instrumentation
piano drum kit and double bass. these instruments used evidently.
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Card 2


B 4 - note held on giving sue for the piano to improvise. B239 of Agnus Dei - repetitive triplets sung by the sopranos, improvisatory nature as it is contrasted with the homophonic chords in rest of choir.


I - Improvisation

Card 3


introduction of Kyrie - consists of added note chords and syncopated rhythms , creating a riff like feel on top of the steady quavers in the left hand. continues when choir enters and comes back at certain points in the movement.


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Card 4


B 15 - kyrie - christe G(7+9) chord - this type of chord is heard later on in lesson B18 as there is an Fminor chord with an added 7th and 9th. Agnus Dei - B 211- miserere Fminor 7 chord and a B Flat 9 chord which gives a similar feel to the intro .


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Card 5


changing vocal textures - B8-9 in the Kyrie - Kyrie Eleison during the Keri the choir is singing in unison but during the rest of the line they are singing in harmony and homophonically for the first time. Harmonic technique - quartal harmionies -


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