The Liberal Reforms 1906-1914

When was the housing and town planning act passed?
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What did the housing and town planning act do?
Gave local councils the power to build council houses.
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Who did the housing and town planning act help?
Working class people.
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When was the national insurance act passed?
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What did the national insurance act do?
Provided some health insurance and unemployment insurance.
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Who did the national insurance act help?
Working class people.
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When was the trade union act passed?
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What did the trade union act do?
It remidied the situation caused by the Osbourne judgement of 1909.
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Who did the trade union act help?
Working class people.
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When was the trade disputes act passed?
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What did the trade disputes act do?
Stated that unions could not be sued for damages. Peaceful picketing was allowed.
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Who did the trade disputes act help?
Trade unions.
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When was the old age pensions act passed?
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What did the old age pensions act do?
Allowed people to receive non contributary pensions if they were paid less than £12 a year. They would receive 5 shillings a week at age 70.
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Who did the old age pensions act help?
The elderly.
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When was the workmen's compensation act passed?
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What did the workmen's compensation act do?
Allowed people injured at work to receive compensation.
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Who did the workmen's compensation act help?
The working class.
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When was the merchant shipping act passed?
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What did the merchant shipping act do?
Raised standards for food and accomodation for crews on British ships.
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Who did the merchant shipping act help?
The working class.
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When was the mines act passed?
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What did the mines act do?
Introduced a maximum 8 hour day for miners.
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Who did the mines act help?
The working class.
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When was the children's charter passed?
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What did the children's charter do?
Free school meals, compulsory medical inspections, free medical treatment, child offenders rehabilitated, 25% of secondary school places free.
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Who did the children's charter help?
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When was the labour exchanges act passed?
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What did the labour exchanges act do?
Helped the unemployed find jobs.
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Who did the labour exchanges act help?
The unemployed.
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When was the trade board act passed?
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What did the trade board act do?
Introduced minimum wages in tailoring, lace-making, box-making and chain-making.
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Why did the left wing criticise the liberal reforms of 1906-1914?
No change for agricultural workers who were the lowest paid workers. Hardly any of the recommendations from the poor law commission reports had been carried out. Stigma of charity. Trade unions not impressed.
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Why did the right wing criticise the liberal reforms of 1906-1914?
Taxes were too high. People's independence and self reliance was taken away.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did the housing and town planning act do?


Gave local councils the power to build council houses.

Card 3


Who did the housing and town planning act help?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When was the national insurance act passed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the national insurance act do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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