The impact of situational variables

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 21-02-20 18:58
Why did Milgram go on to investigate situational variables
to allow him to see how they impacted obedience
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what 3 situational variables did he investigate
proximity, location, uniform
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what was the proximity of teacher/learner in the original
they were in adjoining rooms so the teacher could hear the learner but not see them
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what was different in the proximity variatio
they were in the same room
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what did obedience drop to in this condition
from 65% in the original to 40%
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what other ariation on proximity did Milgram try
the teacher had to force the learners hand onto an electroshock plate
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what was the obedience rate in this variatio
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what occured in the remote instruction condition
the experimenter left the rooms and gave instrutions to the teaher via telephone
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what was the obedience rate here
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what was the second situational variable
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where did he change location to
a run down building rather than the prestigious Yale university
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what was the impact on authority
the experimenter had less authority in the new ocation
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what happened to obedience
fell to 47.5%
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what was the third variable he tested
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what happened to the experimenter in this variation
in original he wore a lab coat, but the role was played by a person dressed ordinarily in everyday clothes
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what happened to obedience
fell to 20%
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who's research supports Milgram's situational varations
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people twice as likely to obey someone dressed as a security guard than a jacket and tie
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which situational factor does Bickman's reseach support
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why is Milgram criticised for a lack of internal validity
many believe pp thought the original study was fake, made even ore likely through the change in situational variables
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which variation was especially unconvincing
receiving instructions from a member of the public
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what did Milgram accept about this variation
it was so contrived pp may have worked out the truth
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why is this an issue
unclear whether genuine results
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generally what have cross-cultural studies concluded
generally supportive of Milgram
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who tudied spanish students
Miranda et al
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what was the obedience rat for these Spanish students
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though what limits these cross-cultural studies
often done in western societies so not super generlisable
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how did Milgram demonstrate good control
he systematically altered one variabe at a time, keeping everything else the same
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what 3 situational variables did he investigate


proximity, location, uniform

Card 3


what was the proximity of teacher/learner in the original


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what was different in the proximity variatio


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what did obedience drop to in this condition


Preview of the front of card 5
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