Experimental Methods

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 27-06-22 21:19
what do experimental methods aim to do?
find a cause and effect relationship between IV and DV and to measure the extent of the effect
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what are the 4 diff types of experiment? explain them
1. laboratory experiment- controlled settings, manipulates the IV, measures the DV, PP know they are being experimented
2. field experiments- natural conditions, manipulates the IV, measures the DV, PP don't-
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continuing w previous card
-know they're being experimented
3. natural experiments- natural conditions, IV is naturally occurring ie earthquake, measures the DV, exp group usually compared to a control group
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4. quasi experiments- controlled/natural conditions, IV is a difference between people ie gender, measures DV
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name the evaluations of lab experiments
+high control over extraneous variables which could effect result of DV, increasing internal validity and establishing a better cause/effect rs
-lack ecological validity cut of the artificial nature, ungeneralisable and mundane realism, PP also watched
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name the evaluations of field experiments
+high level of ecological validity, representative of every day life (-less control over extraneous variables which impact DV)
-ethical issues, no informed consent from PP, privacy is breached
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name the evaluations of natural experiments
+high external validity, real life issues that aren't manipulated (-extraneous variables can effect DV)
+unique info gained into real life situations, can look into interesting concepts of psychology that cant be done artificially due to practicality-
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-restraints (-may be a very rare case so you cant generalise it).
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name the evaluations of quasi experiments
-PP cant be randomly allocated to removes issue of bias, level of IV to which they belong is predecided, so uncertain if IV or environmental factors caused it (+allow researchers to compare different types of people which cant be done regularly)
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counting w previous card.
-methodological issues, in natural conditions there is no control over environment/extraneous variables, so unsure if factors such as age effect DV (-but its arguably better then controlled lab settings)
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Card 2


what are the 4 diff types of experiment? explain them


1. laboratory experiment- controlled settings, manipulates the IV, measures the DV, PP know they are being experimented
2. field experiments- natural conditions, manipulates the IV, measures the DV, PP don't-

Card 3


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Card 4


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Card 5


name the evaluations of lab experiments


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