The Duke of Northumberland 1549-1553

  • Created by: elelpear
  • Created on: 04-11-22 10:44
What rebellion led to the downfall of Somerset?
The ketts rebellion
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who led the army to put down the ketts rebellion?
the earl of warwick/northumberland
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what position did Northumberland get in 1550, and why was this significant?
president of the privy council, gave him full control over government affairs
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How did Northumberlands government differ from somersets?
-passed laws through parliament
-enlarged the privy council
-appointed men with the correct experience and military knowledge
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Who sided with Northumberland in his coup in October 1549?
The conservative faction (catholic), such as Southampton, Arundel and the Howards
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what happened to Somerset following the 1549 coup?
he was spared and imprisoned in the tower of london
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what were the main issues affecting Britain for Northumberland?
Unemployment- the crash of the Antwerp trading market
inflation- the debasement of coinage
War with Scotland and France
religious confusion
Rising population- poverty and vagrancy
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what was the treason act?
made it an offence to challenge royal supremacy and the beliefs of the church
restored laws on censorship
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what was introduced in the second act of uniformity?
the 1552 prayer book- removed all traces of Catholicism from church (eg.transubstantiation)
-made it illegal for clergy and laity to not attend church services or be fined
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what were the 1553 instructions and what did they do?
a command for all bishops to remove the gold and silver plate from their churches so that it could be sold by the monarch and all altars were to be replaced with communion tables
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what were the 42 articles?
the most extreme religious articles made in England at the time, defining the exact practices for the church
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name three influences on Northumberlands religious policies
finances- the sale of gold and silver
Edward VI- was determined to continue his father legacy and implement Protestantism
Cranmer- the archbishop of Canterbury, becoming more radical
European reformists- began migrating to England and demanding wider chan
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when was Northumberland's second coup and who was it against?
February 1550- against the conservative faction at court- this is what makes him lord president
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When was the counter coup to Northumberland launched and who by?
October 1551-January 1552 by Somerset
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What happened to Somerset in 1552?
he was executed
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what two acts did Northumberland repeal in 1550 to deal with social unrest?
The vagrancy act and the 5% tax on sheep
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How did Northumberland ensure his laws banning enclosure were followed?
used retaining armies to maintain order, gave the authorities more powers
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How did the trade crash in Antwerp affect British people
the demand for wool was low, so people were becoming unemployed
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How did Northumberland attempt to deal with the crash?
Sent Gresham to negotiate with Charles V (king of Holy roman Empire), and gave him £12,000 to pay off old loans and renegotiate a trade deal
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What did Northumberland do to deal with inflation?
put the precious metals back into coins and restoring their value to 1527 levels
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What did Northumberland do to raise money for the crown?
sold crown lands and ended the war with Scotland and France and sold Boulogne back to the French
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what country was Lord Russel sent to in 1550 to negotiate peace with?
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what were the results of the treaty of Boulogne?
French bought Boulogne back and stopped paying the French pension
-England was forced to stay neutral on any foreign wars
-England agreed to not renew the war with Scotland and remove all troops from garrisons on the border
-Edward VI to marry Henry II's
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Why were tensions high between Scotland and France after the treaty of Boulogne?
French soldiers remained stationed in Scotland following Somerset's war, Scottish people did not like the idea of becoming a French Province, also there were some Scottish Protestants in court and the French were Catholic
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What is the Alliance between France and Scotland called?
The Auld Alliance
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Why did Northumberland make himself the Lord of the North and why was this a good idea?
to control the peace treaty terms with Scotland due to him having military experience
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What happened to the border between Scotland and England?
it was restored to its levels before Henry VIII'S rough wooing of Scotland in 1547
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Why were tensions high between England and the Holy Roman Empire?
Charles V was angry that England had created a peace treaty with France and was also mad that his cousin (Mary I) had to give up her religion
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Why did Charles V lift the trade restrictions on England?
because they were starting to effect the economy in the Netherlands
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What bill was created by Edward VI to assure his succession?
the devise
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why did Edward VI's device put Lady Jane Grey as the heir to the throne?
to prevent the crown going to his catholic sister Mary I and removing all his religious changes
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How did Mary respond to the Devise?
An army was raise in the North of England (many peasants were still angry as Northumberland had killed many in his put down of the Ketts rebellion) and launched a coup against the government
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What happened to Northumberland when Mary I became Queen?
He was Executed
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How did Northumberland's religious views change at the end of his life?
he converted to Catholicism in an attempt to appeal to Mary and prevent his execution
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When did Mary I ascend to the throne?
October 1553
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


who led the army to put down the ketts rebellion?


the earl of warwick/northumberland

Card 3


what position did Northumberland get in 1550, and why was this significant?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did Northumberlands government differ from somersets?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who sided with Northumberland in his coup in October 1549?


Preview of the front of card 5
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