Edward and foreign policy

Somerset's aims (1547-1549)
1 of 36
Why was Somerset partly bound to try secure an alliance between Edward and Mary Stuart?
It was in Henry's will
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Name his two other aims
secure an alliance with France, ensure English dominance over scotland
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What battle took place Sept 1547?
The Battle of Pinkie
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Why was Francis I death 2 months after Edwards reign began unlucky?
The new king Henry II had a more aggressive approach to foreign policy and was keen to assert his dominance over England
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What did Henry II renew between France and Scotland?
The Auld Alliance
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Along with warships, how many troops did France send too Scotland to fight the English ?
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What did Somerset feel like he had to do in response?
respond and launch a land invasion of Scotland
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How many men did Somerset send for the land invasion?
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How many warships and how many supply ships did Somerset ?
30 warships, 50 supply ships
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Where was the Battle of Pinkie and who won and why?
Just south of Edinburgh, England, The Scottish Army was poorly equipped
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What area of Scotland did he control?
The border region
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What were expensive to maintain?
The forts and garrsions
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name two English failures
Could not make further gains and failed to control strategically important castles
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Name 2 strategically important castles they failed to capture?
Edinburgh castle, firth of fort
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Why did this advantage the Scottish and France?
French ships could supply the Scottish army
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What happened to Mary Queen of Scots ?
5 year old Mary with the approval of Scottish Lords was removed to France
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How much had this cost Somerset?
£600,000 - putting increased pressure in an already weak economy
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In 1549 what was he forced to do due to rebellions?
Return some English Troops
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Although Somerset got some land gain, why was ultimately a failure?
Strengthened the relationship between France and England
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What was Somerset proven to be From the Battle of Pinkie?
Poor general and indecisive
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Duke of Somerset
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Name Northumberland to main foreign policy aims ( security)
Cut expenditure on warfare and foreign policy, secure alliance with France and Scotland to guarantee Englands security
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Why did he want alliances (religion)?
They would be a useful ally if Charles V opposed radical reforms of the church
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When was the Treaty of Boulogne ?
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Why did England agree to return Boulogne because it was a key Port and was a symbolic loss of English possession of France?
It was expensive to maintain
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how much did France pay as compensation?
£133,333 (a lot)
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What did England have to agree to remove in terms of Scotland as apart of the treaty?
all garrisons and troops
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What happened to the English and Scottish border
It was returned to the position before 1542
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What type of defence alliance was created between France and scotland?
a perpetual dense alliance
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Who was Edward going to marry as apart of this alliance?
Henry II eldest daughter
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Relations with Charles V
Holy Roman Emperor
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What 2 main thing was Charles V angered about?
Close relations with France and England and radical of reform of the church after 1549 because he was a devout Catholic
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When did Charles consider an invasion?
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In response to this threat what was Northumberland action?
To but a trade embargo on the sale of cloth with the Netherlands
35 of 36
When did Charles improve relations for economic reasons and the needs for support?
June 1552
36 of 36

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why was Somerset partly bound to try secure an alliance between Edward and Mary Stuart?


It was in Henry's will

Card 3


Name his two other aims


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What battle took place Sept 1547?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why was Francis I death 2 months after Edwards reign began unlucky?


Preview of the front of card 5
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