The Cold War

freedom os speech, owning your own business, making a profit and ability to earn more depending on your skills set and your experience
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one party government, no freedom of speech, everything blelonged to the state and everyone earned the same- regardless of skills and experience
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The Tehran Conference
Nov-Dec 1943 > churchill stalin roosevlet- USA & Britain open 2nd front, Soviet union declare war on japan after germany was defeated, Poland gained territory from Germany 7 lose from USSR
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Yalta Conference
Feb 1945 > when germany was defeated it would lose land, be divided and demilitaised. UN set up. Europe countries would have demoncratic elections. USSR delcare war on Japan once Germany defeted. Poland under 'soviet sphere of influence'
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Potsdam Conference
Jul-Aug 1945> Atlee, Stalin, Truman – council of foreign ministers to organize and rebuild of Europe. Nazi party banned & criminals of war. Germany and Berlin divided into 4 zones.
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Iron Curtain Speech
1946 > USSR is a threat to world peace and freedom. Communist governments in Hungary, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria.
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The Long Telegram
1946 > A secret report from the US ambassador Kennan in Moscow to Truman. The Soviet Union saw capitalism as a threat to communism that had to be destroyed. The Soviet Union was building its military power. Peace between communist, Soviet Union and c
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Novikou's Telegram
1946 > A report from Novikov, soviet ambassador to USA. The USA wanted world domination and was building up its military strength. The Soviet Union was the only country left after the war that could stand up to the USA. The USA was preparing its peop
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Satellite State
A satellite state is a state that is technically independent, but is controlled by another country. 1947-49 - the USSR turned Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland.
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The Truman Doctrine
1947 > Countries faced a choice between either capitalism or communism. The USA needed to contain the spread of communism. The USA would provide money and troops to help free government to combat communist takeovers.
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The Marshall Plan
1947 > $13 million billion from USA to help rebuild Europe. Communism appealed most to people with nothing to lose, so the Marshall plan hoped to stop communism by giving people a stake in the capitalist system. Countries must trade with the USA to g
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Communist Information Bureau. Stalin set it up in 1947. Organised communist parties in Europe and arranged their leadership so they would do what Moscow told. Got rid of any opposition to the Soviet Union control in satellite states. Encouraged commu
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Council for Mutual Mconomic Assistance. 1949 alternative to Marshall plan. Built up trade links between comecon countries. Including the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Albania and 1950s east Germany.
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1949 > North Atlantic Treaty Organisation – military alliance, USA, Britain, Canada, Holland, Belgium, France, Denmark + Norway. 9th May 1955 – west Germany joined. Principle of collective security, one country attacked all would help.
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Warsaw Pact
1955 (14th May) > collective defence treaty involving the Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary, east Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Albania + Bulgaria.
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Division of Gemany
Divide the country and its capital Berlin. The USA, Britain & France = West Germany and West Berlin. Soviet Union = Eastern Germany and East Berlin. Wanted Germany to be weak.
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Berlin Blockade
The Soviet Union closed all rad, rail and canal links to west berlin to force British, French and USA troops to leave their zone in the city. Soviets blocked all supplies into berlin to show it had the power. Did it because eastern Germany grew almos
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Berlin Airlift
West berlin couldn’t last with supplies – western powers responded with an airlift. It lasted for 318days with 1.5 million tons of supplies were flown daily into Berlin.
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The Soviet Invasion of Hungary
1956 > Khrushchev disapproved of Nagy’s reforms and soviet troops invaded Hungary. If Hungary left the Warsaw pact other countries would soon follow. 4th November Khrushchev sent 200,00 soviet troops into Hungary to depose Nagy and restore order.
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The Soviet Union of Hungary (2)
4000 Hungarians were killed. Many Hungarian soldiers were loyal to Nagy and the revolution fought against soviet troops. New leader Janos Kadar, introduced a 15-point programme, which aimed to re-establish communist rule in Hungary.
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The Soviet Union of Hungary (3)
Kadar’s politics were more moderate than those of other satellite states and resulted in Hungary having better living standard than other European states.
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Refugee problem in Berlin
1949 & 1961, 2.7 million east Germans crossed from the east to the west in Berlin. The population of west Germany increased while the economy benefited from an influx of skilled workers.
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Berlin Wall
Khrushchev’s solution to stopping the east Germans was to build a heavy guard fence with barbed wire wall. Anyone who tried to escape was shot.
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Cuban Misslie Crisis
1962 > US spy planes photographed soviet ships carrying nuclear war heads and missiles to Cuba.
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Bay of Pigs
1961 > Kennedy brained Cuban exiles by the CIA in order to invade and overthrow Castro. However, Castro knew about the invasion and sent 20,000 troops to meet the 11,400 Cuban exile invaders. Khrushchev and Kennedy agreed that Khrushchev will withdra
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Prague Spring
1968 > 4 months Czechoslovakia had freedom to say and write things, allowed other parties in governments, Soviet control was reduced and secret police was reduced under Dubcek’s reforms.
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Brezhev Doctrine
1968 > the USSR would not allow any eastern European country to reject communism.
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Czechoslovakian Invasion
Brezhnev sent 500,000 Warsaw Pact troops to Prague and Dubcek was arrested. Czechoslovakia returned to being under strict soviet control under Gustavo Husak.
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1972 > Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. Superpowers agreed to limit the number of nuclear weapons they had. No further production of strategic ballistic weapons, no increase in number of intercontinental ballistic weapons ICBMs, no new missile launc
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1979 > each superpower limited to 2250 warheads. Salt 2 counted warheads while salt 1 just counted missiles & bombs. Improved limits on new launch systems including multi-warhead missiles. Never became a ratified policy after soviet invasion of Afgha
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1975 > 35 countries signed these agreements. European borders – no country to interfere in intimal affairs of another country. International cooperation – trade agreements scientific knowledge, education and space missions. Human rights – countries t
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Afghanistan Invasion
1979 > Brezhnev worried after Afghanistan communist leader, president Taraki was assassinated that the Soviet Union would be threatened. He ordered troops to invade, Karmal was made president, although soviet troops had to stay just to keep him in po
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Carter Doctrine
1980 > US president, Jimmy Carter, said America will use force if the Soviet Union attempt to take control of the Persian Gulf US imposed economic sanctions, no trade with USSR.
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Regan's Strategic Defence Initiative - SDI
1983 > plan to have satellites lasers and mirrors in space that would destroy Soviet intercontinental nuclear missiles before they reached the USA.
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1985 > Gorbacher became leader of Soviet Union. He recognised the economy was failing and rejected the Brezhnev doctrine. He brought new reforms, restruction and openness. 1989 announced that the eastern bloc could go their own way without soviet inv
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Fall of the Berlin Wall
1989 > 9th November, new east German leader, Egan Krenz, announced that east Germans could now travel to west Germany. Crowds began to chip away at the wall, causing it to collapse.
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End Of Warsaw Pact
1991 > as communist governments began to fall in counties such as Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania the Warsaw Pact dissolved.
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End of Communism in Sciet Union
1991 > 25th December, Gabacher announced the dissolution of the Soviet Union and his resignation as president.
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Card 2




one party government, no freedom of speech, everything blelonged to the state and everyone earned the same- regardless of skills and experience

Card 3


The Tehran Conference


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Yalta Conference


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Potsdam Conference


Preview of the front of card 5
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