The cold war

  • Created by: fb2
  • Created on: 08-12-15 17:46

1. What was the purpose of the Truman doctrine?

  • To help Truman recover from his illness
  • The purpose of the Truman doctrine was to establish that the United States would support a democratic nation under threat from an internal or external authoritarian force. This support could include economic, political or military assistance.
  • To destroy Russia
1 of 15

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2. Why did the USA drop the atom bombs?

  • They did it by accident.
  • President Harry S. Truman, warned by some of his advisers that any attempt to invade Japan would result in horrific American casualties, ordered that the new weapon be used to bring the war to a speedy end
  • They thought it would be funny.
  • They got Japan mixed up with North Korea

3. What was Marshall aid?

  • The proposal the George Marshall made to nuke the whole world
  • General George Marshall made a plan to save Europe from communism.Marshall Aid took the form of fuel, raw materials, goods, loans and food, machinery and advisers. It jump-started rapid European economic growth, and stopped the spread of Communism.
  • Its made up

4. When did the Cold War take place?

  • 1914-1918
  • 1945-1991
  • 1939-1945
  • 2000-2015

5. What was agreed at Potsdam in July 1945(Germany had been defeated)

  • Arguments about the boundaries between the zones, amount of reparations Russia wanted to take, Truman was angry as Stalin had arrested the non-communist leaders of Poland, Stalin was furious that Truman dropped the A-bomb and not told him about it/
  • nothing was agreed
  • Germany would have to be blown off the face of the earth
  • mass holocaust of all Germans


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