The Carbon Cycle

  • Created by: Emily
  • Created on: 17-09-15 21:28
The Carbon Cycle
1.Carbon enters the atmosphere as carbon dioxide from respiration and combustion.
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2.Carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants doing photosynthesis
3.Animals eat the plants containing the carbon, passing it down the food chain. Most of this is exhaled as carbon dioxide during respiration
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4.The animals and plants eventually die and the microorganisms decompose the plants, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from the dead organisms and from the respiration of the micro-organisms.
5.Sometimes, decomposition is blocked and the animal or plant material may be available as a fossil fuel in the future.
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6.Carbon dioxide also dissolves into the oceans, and also gets locked into the shells of marine organisms, which get trapped in limestone and are later released into the atmosphere.
The Carbon Cycle
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The Carbon Cycle
The Carbon Cycle
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Card 2


3.Animals eat the plants containing the carbon, passing it down the food chain. Most of this is exhaled as carbon dioxide during respiration


2.Carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants doing photosynthesis

Card 3


5.Sometimes, decomposition is blocked and the animal or plant material may be available as a fossil fuel in the future.


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Card 4


The Carbon Cycle


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Card 5


The Carbon Cycle


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