The Boer War's impact on Britain

In what ways was the British gov NOT democratic in 1899?
Only 60% of adult males had the vote, and women couldn't vote
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What was the general publics view on the Boer war?
Most supported it - strong sense of patriotism and pride in the Empire
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Why were Newspapers becoming more popular?
They lowered the prices and so more could afford to buy them
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How did politicians use this?
Used newspapers as ways to get their views and opinions out
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How did the press effect commanders?
Buller's contempt for the press made him very unpopular but Roberts made the press like him and kept them away from unpleasant scenes - more popular
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What was 'Khaki-fever'?
Support for the army - more volunteers, cheering crowds etc..
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Who were the groups who opposed the war?
Liberals, socialists, Irish Nationalists
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Why was their religious opposition?
Because they viewed it as morally wrong
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Why was there Irish Nationalist opposition?
Sympathised with the Boers as fellow victims or imperialist aggression
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When was the khaki election?
Sept 1900 - called by Salisbury
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What was Chamberlains views on the votes?
That a vote against the government is a vote for the Boers
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What did the election results show?
Conservative-Unionists had a majority - Reflect more liberal disorganisation than a vote for the war
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What were the main ways of raising money for the war?
Tax on refined sugar, imposed a levy of 1s. of exported coal and raise income tax.
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How much of the wars cost was met by taxation?
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How was the rest of it paid for?
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the general publics view on the Boer war?


Most supported it - strong sense of patriotism and pride in the Empire

Card 3


Why were Newspapers becoming more popular?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did politicians use this?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did the press effect commanders?


Preview of the front of card 5
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