the behavioural approach to explaining phobias

  • Created by: IvyVega
  • Created on: 31-05-18 12:47
classical conditioning and operant conditioning
orval hobart mowrer argued that phobias are learned by classical conditioning and then maintained by operant conditioning
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acquisition by classical conditioning
classical conditioning involves association. UCS triggers a fear response. NS is associated with the UCS. NS becomes a CS producing fear, which is now the CR
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little Albert: conditioned fear
Watson and Raynor showed how a fear of rats could be conditioned in little albert. whenever albert played with a white rat, a loud noise was heard. caused fear, every time a white object was seen.
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generalisation of fear to other stimuli
little albert also showed a fear in response to other white furry objects.
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maintenance by operant conditioning
operant conditioning takes place when our behaviour is reinforced or punished. negative reinforcement- an individual produces behaviour that avoids something unpleasant. when a phobic avoids a phobic stimulus they escape the anxiety.
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strength 1- good explanatory power
it has important for therapy. if a patient is prevented from practising their avoidance behaviour then phobic behaviour declines.
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limitation 1- not all bad experiences lead to phobias
sometimes people have a bad experience and dont develop a phobia. this suggests that conditioning alone cannot explain phobias. they may only develop where a vulnerability exists.
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limitation 2- doesnt consider the cognitive aspects of phobias
the two process model explains maintenance of phobias in terms of avoidance- but we also know that phobias have a cognitive element
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Card 2


classical conditioning involves association. UCS triggers a fear response. NS is associated with the UCS. NS becomes a CS producing fear, which is now the CR


acquisition by classical conditioning

Card 3


Watson and Raynor showed how a fear of rats could be conditioned in little albert. whenever albert played with a white rat, a loud noise was heard. caused fear, every time a white object was seen.


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Card 4


little albert also showed a fear in response to other white furry objects.


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Card 5


operant conditioning takes place when our behaviour is reinforced or punished. negative reinforcement- an individual produces behaviour that avoids something unpleasant. when a phobic avoids a phobic stimulus they escape the anxiety.


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