The Aeneid Key Quotes


1. Carthage simile Book 1

  • 'burning with rage, he buried his sword deep'
  • 'will make a Golden Age again'
  • 'just as bees in early summer carry out their tasks'
  • 'a huge pile of jumbled corpses... burned, uncounted and unhonoured'
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2. Anchises prophecies Augustus Book 6

  • 'a huge pile of jumbled corpses... burned, uncounted and unhonoured'
  • 'will make a Golden Age again'
  • 'stupefied... struck dumb'
  • 'pitied the futile anger of the two armies and grieved that men had so much suffering'

3. Juno Book 1

  • 'in the frenzy of grief'
  • 'bitter Juno's malignity'
  • 'she inflames the queen's burning heart with love'
  • 'stupefied... struck dumb'

4. Dido simile Book 4

  • 'hurled... churned... trampled... charged'
  • 'like a wounded doe'
  • 'raging flames were rolling over the roofs of men and gods'
  • 'stupefied... struck dumb'

5. Turnus simile Book 9

  • 'burning with rage, he buried his sword deep'
  • 'bitter Juno's malignity'
  • 'like a wolf in the dead of night, lying in wait'
  • 'like a bright flower, scythed by the plough bowing as it dies'


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