
  • Created by: anna888
  • Created on: 19-10-22 13:13
adv of tablets
stability and long shelf life, cheap, presise dose
1 of 15
whta is disintergrating tablet
swallowed, works rapidly, drug released in digestive fluids, coated or unoated doesnt affect release
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what is gasto-resistant tablet
delayed release-not in stomach as withstands gastric fluid, released in intestinal tract. gastoresistant coating
3 of 15
what is modified release tablet?prolonged vs delayed vs pulsatile
special excipents to modify rate. place and time of drug relase. prolonged-slowly at const rate, delayed-realesed some time after administration. pulsatile- released in pulses
4 of 15
what is idspersible tablet? oro vs soluble
must be dispersed in water. oro is uncoated and dispersred in mouth. soluble is dissolved in water
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what is effervesent tablet
dissolved in water, contains weak acid/carbonate to increase stomach pH and encoruage stomach emptying to reah insteine faster
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sublingual vs buccal
both small rapid wotking w/o first pass metabolism. sublingual-under tongue. buccal- inside cheek
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two methods of maufacturing for tablets?
single punch press and rotary press. powder forced together via comprrssion into tablet
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describe single punch?
one die one punch,small output-clincal trails
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rotary punch?
multiple sets of rotating punches and dies, large scale
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what is filler for?common filler?why
bulking. lactose (soluble and tastes nice)
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whats glidant for ?
12 of 15
whats lubricant for?
reduces friction
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whats anti adherant for
reduces adhesion between punches and particles
14 of 15
binder example?
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Card 2


whta is disintergrating tablet


swallowed, works rapidly, drug released in digestive fluids, coated or unoated doesnt affect release

Card 3


what is gasto-resistant tablet


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is modified release tablet?prolonged vs delayed vs pulsatile


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is idspersible tablet? oro vs soluble


Preview of the front of card 5
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