sustainable tourism keywords

key words for sustainable toursim

sustainable tourism
when tourism can be sustained at the same level in the future without creating environmental, social or economic damage to the recieving area
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destination footprint
envrionmental impact cause by an individual tourist on a holiday in a particular destination. to reduce this people need to fly less and stay longer, carbo offset their flights and stay in tourist hubs
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specialised form of tourism where people experience relatively untouched natural environments and ensure there presence doesn't damage those areas
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maintaining a location exactlt as it is and not allowing development
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allows for developments that do not damage the character of a destination
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Card 2


envrionmental impact cause by an individual tourist on a holiday in a particular destination. to reduce this people need to fly less and stay longer, carbo offset their flights and stay in tourist hubs


destination footprint

Card 3


specialised form of tourism where people experience relatively untouched natural environments and ensure there presence doesn't damage those areas


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Card 4


maintaining a location exactlt as it is and not allowing development


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Card 5


allows for developments that do not damage the character of a destination


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