Studying Gender

  • Created by: RachelH
  • Created on: 26-11-14 16:39
is a biological term and refers to the physical and physiological characteristics associated with being male or female
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refers to the concept of masculinity and femininity, and the behaviours and characteristics we attribute to those terms
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describes people who possess both typically male and typically female traits and use the masculine and feminine elements of their personality as and when appropriate - this concept was developed by Sandra Bem (1974)
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Gender identity
refers to one's perception of one's sexuality, whether we see ourselves as male or female and what being male or female means to us
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Gender role
refers to the socially-defined roles and behaviours assigned to males and females. A women's gender role might be that of 'mother'. It is the part that our culture expects us to play because we are either male or female
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Sex-role (Gender role) stereotype
refers to the belief held by a culture (or sub-culture) that certain tasks and behaviours are associated exclusively with either males or females. It can be thought of as an over-extension or over-simplification of gender role
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Cultural diversity
is to do with how roles, expectations and behaviours vary from culture to culture, for example, gender roles may be different in different cultures
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Nature vs. nurture
refers to the debate about whether personality traits are a result of an individual's genetic and hormonal make-up (nature) or whether they are learnt as a result of social and cultural factors (nurture)
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Card 2


refers to the concept of masculinity and femininity, and the behaviours and characteristics we attribute to those terms



Card 3


describes people who possess both typically male and typically female traits and use the masculine and feminine elements of their personality as and when appropriate - this concept was developed by Sandra Bem (1974)


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Card 4


refers to one's perception of one's sexuality, whether we see ourselves as male or female and what being male or female means to us


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Card 5


refers to the socially-defined roles and behaviours assigned to males and females. A women's gender role might be that of 'mother'. It is the part that our culture expects us to play because we are either male or female


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