Stuart England mixed flashcards

  • Created by: Ryan62835
  • Created on: 17-02-19 12:25
Name three powers that the Parliament held.
finance, lawmaking and the power of taxes
1 of 8
What was the role of the Privy Council?
To advice the King on subjects of importance, it was made up of members of the gentry and nobility. The members were hand picked by the King and had much influence over his decisions.
2 of 8
Use three word to describe James I court.
fun, exciting and extravagant
3 of 8
Give three financial difficulties James I faced in 1603 at the beginning of his reign.
The Great Contract, Outdated tax system, Century of Inflation, Royal debt
4 of 8
When was the Book of Rates introduced? What did it do?
It was introduced in 1608 and increased custom tariffs and levied impositions on a wide range of merchandise.
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What was the Cockayne Project?
In 1615 Alderman William Cockayne came up with a plan to take away the Merchant Adventures monopoly and replace it with a more "modern" company. He "oiled the wheels" by lending James £10,000. The new company was called the King's Merchant Adventure.
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What was the Cockayne Project?
The whole scheme was not well planned as there was not enough money to buy wool, no enterprise to finish the cloth and no contracts to sell abroad which led to the cloth industry collapsing and social distress. James eventually restored the Merchant
7 of 8
What was the Cockayne Project?
Adventures monopoly.
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Card 2


To advice the King on subjects of importance, it was made up of members of the gentry and nobility. The members were hand picked by the King and had much influence over his decisions.


What was the role of the Privy Council?

Card 3


fun, exciting and extravagant


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Card 4


The Great Contract, Outdated tax system, Century of Inflation, Royal debt


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Card 5


It was introduced in 1608 and increased custom tariffs and levied impositions on a wide range of merchandise.


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