Structures, reactions and properties of commercially important organic compounds

Family of organic chemicals
Homologous series
1 of 23
Group of atoms resposible for the characteristic reaction of a substance
Functional group
2 of 23
A hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined together in straight or branched chains
3 of 23
A hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined together in a ring structure
4 of 23
A hydrocarbon containing at least obe benxene ring
5 of 23
A system of the international union of pure and applied chemistry for naming organic compounds
IUPAC nomenclature
6 of 23
Contains single bonds only
Saturated compound
7 of 23
Alkane where at leasr one hydrogen is replaced by a halogen
8 of 23
Compound based on a carbon structure
Organic compound
9 of 23
Two or more compounds that have the same molecular formua but a diffrent arrangement of atoms in the compound and so have diffrent properties
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The step by step sequence of reactions that lead to an overall chemical change occuring. It shows the movement of electrons in the process
Reaction mechanism
11 of 23
Addition of halogen such as bromine or chlorine to an alkane
12 of 23
Formation of a free radical by splitting bond eenly so free radical has one of the two available electrons
Homolytic fission
13 of 23
Atom with a single unpaired electron
Free radical
14 of 23
A reaction using an electrophile where two or more molecules bond to become one product
Electrophilic addition
15 of 23
The average amount of energy for a mole of a given bond to undergo homolytic fission in the gasous state
Mean bond enthalpy
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Species that are electron-paie acceptors and are attacted to areas of high eletron density
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A reaction where two ore more molecules join together to give a single product
Additional reaction
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Everything that is not part of the system
19 of 23
A temperature scale with absolute zero as zero
Kelvin scale
20 of 23
A reaction that releases enrergy
Exothermic reaction
21 of 23
A reaction that absorbs energy
Endothermic reaction
22 of 23
The enrgy required to raise the temperature of 1 g of a substance by 1 k
Specific heat capacity
23 of 23

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Group of atoms resposible for the characteristic reaction of a substance


Functional group

Card 3


A hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined together in straight or branched chains


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


A hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined together in a ring structure


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


A hydrocarbon containing at least obe benxene ring


Preview of the front of card 5
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