Starch (polysaccharide)

Where is starch found?
Only in plants.
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What is the structure of starch?
- Unbranched structure
- All OH groups point inwards + form hydrogen bonds.
-The hydrogen bonds result in the structure being a tightly coiled chain.
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Starch polymerisation:
-The monomer of starch is alpha glucose.
-The OH groups are all on the bottom of the chain.
-The chain can be unbranched or lightly branched.
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Starch structure relation to function:
- Is an energy store.

- Tightly coiled = compact so lots can be stored.

- Insoluble= doesn't affect water potential, so water doesn't enter cells by osmosis.

-Large = doesn't diffuse out of cells.

- Hydrolised to alpha glucose = readily available for
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How does the structure relate to the metabolism of plants?
It is lightly branched - compared to glycogen. This means that there are less branches for enzymes to act on and release alpha glucose.

This leads to less respiration. Plants have a lower metabolic rate than animals as they are less active; therefore, th
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the structure of starch?


- Unbranched structure
- All OH groups point inwards + form hydrogen bonds.
-The hydrogen bonds result in the structure being a tightly coiled chain.

Card 3


Starch polymerisation:


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Starch structure relation to function:


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does the structure relate to the metabolism of plants?


Preview of the front of card 5


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