Other questions in this quiz

2. What period does the Indiscriminate stage take place in

  • 6 weeks to 6 months
  • 6 months to 6 years
  • 3 weeks to 6 weeks
  • 3 weeks to 18 months

3. who was there sample (number, age, location, when)

  • 80 babies, 7-14 weeks old, Glasgow, 1963
  • 60 babies, 5-12 weeks old, Glasgow, 1964
  • 60 babies, 5-12 months, Glasgow, 1982
  • 40 babies, 2-24 weeks old, Glasgow, 1992

4. what 2 behaviors are shown in the specific stage

  • strong separation anxiety, distress around strangers
  • strong separation anxiety, comfortable around strangers
  • no separation anxiety, distress around strangers
  • no separation anxiety, comfortable around strangers

5. however...

  • could be improved by going in the lab
  • Parents' bias could affect results, lower internal validity
  • better than researchers conducting an experiment


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