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6. however...

  • could be improved by going in the lab
  • Parents' bias could affect results, lower internal validity
  • better than researchers conducting an experiment

7. describe 2 behaviors during the multiple attachment period

  • interest in developing bonds with others, no interest in strengthening bonds with primary caregiver
  • attachment with primary caregiver grows, no interest in developing bonds with others
  • attachment with primary caregiver grows, increased interest in developing bonds with others
  • attachment with strangers grow, no interest in strengthening bonds with primary caregiver

8. What behaviours are shown in the asocial stage

  • avoidant of everyone
  • no discrimination, preference for humans
  • no discrimination
  • prefer animals to humans

9. What period does the Indiscriminate stage take place in

  • 3 weeks to 6 weeks
  • 6 weeks to 6 months
  • 6 months to 6 years
  • 3 weeks to 18 months

10. what did they find at 25-30 weeks

  • none of the babies showed separation anxiety
  • 50% of the babies showed separation anxiety
  • 75% of the babies showed separation anxiety
  • 3% of the babies showed separation anxiety

11. One strength

  • Done in own homes by mothers, better understanding, high external ecological validity.
  • poor evidence for asocial stage
  • low temporal validity, Glasgow 1964

12. who was there sample (number, age, location, when)

  • 40 babies, 2-24 weeks old, Glasgow, 1992
  • 60 babies, 5-12 months, Glasgow, 1982
  • 60 babies, 5-12 weeks old, Glasgow, 1964
  • 80 babies, 7-14 weeks old, Glasgow, 1963

13. One weakness

  • Poor evidence for asocial stage, babies expressions confusing, flawed method of observation.
  • own homes mean mother understand babies better
  • parents bias means babies feel comfortable

14. what method did Schaffer and Emerson use

  • lab experiment
  • interview and meta analysis
  • mothers used self-report on separation experiences
  • observation

15. what did they find at 40 weeks

  • babies started to form multiple attachments
  • babies became avoidant
  • babies began to form attachments with primary caregiver

16. Around what age is the multiple attachment stage

  • 8 months
  • 2 years
  • 10 months
  • 12 months

17. how long is the asocial stage of attachment

  • up to 3 months
  • up to 6 weeks
  • up to 12 weeks
  • up to 18 months