
What are the features of a spreadsheet?
• They perform calculations and recalculations automatically, • They allow results to be displayed in tabular or graphical format, • They consist of a table divided into rows and columns to produce cells, They consist of a number of worksheets
1 of 15
List the different data types:
General, currency, number, date, time, percentage etc.
2 of 15
List the different functions:
3 of 15
What is the MIN function?
The MIN function finds the smallest value stored in a group of cells
4 of 15
What is the MAX function?
The MAX function finds the largest value stored in a group of cells
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What is the COUNT function?
The COUNT function will count the number of enteries in the table
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What is the SUM function?
The SUM function calculates the total of a group of selected cell values
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What is the AVERAGE function?
The AVERAGE function calculates the average of a group of selected cell values
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What is the formulae for addition?
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What is the formulae for subtraction?
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What is the formulae for multiplication?
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What is the formulae for division?
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What is absolute cell referencing?
If you don’t want the cell reference to change when you copy a formula, you can make it an absolute cell reference. Eg $I$5 always refers to cell I5 and a formula containing $I$5 keeps the $I$5 even if copied down a column or across a row
13 of 15
What is data validation?
Data validation makes it possible to control the values input into a given cell. For example the number here represents an assignment mark out of 25
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What is a Macro?
A macro is a way to automate a task or procedure which you perform on a regular basis. A macro is a set of instructions and/or actions that can be recorded or saved and then set to run whenever you need to perform the task in the future
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


List the different data types:


General, currency, number, date, time, percentage etc.

Card 3


List the different functions:


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the MIN function?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the MAX function?


Preview of the front of card 5
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