
  • Created by: jackbt
  • Created on: 16-11-17 11:27
what are the feutures of a spreadsheet
Spreadsheet packages have a number of common features:• They perform calculations and recalculations automatically• They allow results to be displayed in tabular or graphical format• They consist of a table divided into rows and columns to produce ce
1 of 10
give 3 examples of data types
2 of 10
list diffent functions
3 of 10
what is conditional formatting
Conditional formatting allows you to apply cell shading or font colour to a cell if a specified condition is true, eg if mark is between 90-100 shade cell pale purple and use a bold purple font.
4 of 10
what is data validation
Data validation makes it possible to control the values input into a given cell. For example the number here represents an assignment mark out of 25. In the data validation settings dialogue, you can define the data type (whole number) and range chec
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what is the IF f unction
The IF function sets the cell value depending on the result of examining a condition. IF condition is true THEN value 1 ELSE value 2.
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what is VLOOKUP
The VLOOKUP function takes the value in any particular cell (eg L5 which could hold a pupil’s exam mark ) and finds it in the lookup table. The function returns the corresponding value in the next column (ie the grade associated with the mark that t
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what are the advantages of a wizard for a graph
A wizard can lead you through each stage including selecting:
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Advantages of Macros
A large number of tasks or actions can be recorded in a single macro
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problems with macros
A mistake made when recording the macro will be repeated every time the macro is run
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


give 3 examples of data types



Card 3


list diffent functions


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is conditional formatting


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is data validation


Preview of the front of card 5
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