Other questions in this quiz

2. How is the sperm cell adapted to its function?

  • has a diploid nucleus
  • feeds the embryo with the nutrients in the embryo
  • has a lot of mitochondria in the middle section to provide energy (from respiration) needed to swim a long distance
  • its membrane changes shape after fertilisation so that the offspring ends up with the right amount of chromosomes

3. How is an egg cell adapted to its function?

  • has lots of mitchondria
  • has a diploid nucleus
  • contains nutrients in the cytoplasm to feed the embryo
  • has a long flagella

4. How is the sperm cell adapted to its function?

  • has cilia
  • has an acrosome at the front of the head where is stores enzymes needed to digest its way through the membrane of the egg cell
  • carries the female DNA to nourish the developing embryo in the early stages
  • is a prokaryotic cell

5. What makes a haploid cell?

  • having half the normal number of chromosomes
  • being fertillised
  • having the normal number of chromosomes
  • cell formed when two gametes combine


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