Cells- Animal, Plant and Specialised

Description of the cells and their functions.

  • Created by: Abbey
  • Created on: 16-05-10 16:12

What makes up an Animal Cell? Describe the functio

Cell Membrane- Controls what goes in and out of the cell

Nucleus- Contols the activities in the cell

Cytoplasm- The liquid gel used during respiration

Mitochondria- Structures in the cytoplasm where oxygen is used

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What makes up a Plant Cell? Describe the functions

Cell Membrane- Controls what goes in and out of the cell

Nucleus- Controls the activities in the cell

Cytoplasm- The liquid gel where respiration happens

Mitochondria- The structures in the Cytoplasm where oxygen is used

Ribosomes- Proteins

Vacuole- The space in the Cytoplasm

Cell wall- Strengthens and structures the cell

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What is a Specialised Cell?

A cell which is specialised to do a particular job.

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Name 4 specialised cells.

Nerve Cell- Specialised due to wires

Sperm Cell- Specialised due to streamline tail

Red Blood Cell- Specialised due to not including a nucleus in order to have more space for oxygen

Muscle Cell- Specialised as it is able to contract and relax

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