Soviet Culture Social Realism and Cult of Personality

  • Created by: Phoebe
  • Created on: 05-05-13 15:09
Main Forms of Social Realism
Music - Art - Literature - Cinema - Architecture
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When did art have to be realist and why
1921 to make it accessible to the masses - portray a story - glorify communism and collecitivisation/5YP - should represent government rather than individual opinion
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When was the union of artists created and why
1932 too unify the artists as one main goal to glorify communism - all realist avante-garde banned - very effective
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How was Music used as a form of Social Realism
All songs happy in a major key - If considered too Bourgeoisie banned - not that effective
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How was Architecture used as a form of Social Realism
New cities built Magnitorgorsk 1929 for communist living - Moscow underground 1931 built - effective
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How was Cinema used as a form of social Realism how effective
Propaganda to promote collectivisation 5 year plans - not that effective
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How was literature used as a form of Social Realism
1932 engineering of the human school - Books presented what STalin wanted Russia to be idealist - STalin portrayed as creator with Lenin of communism Lenin the light STalin the light that overcomes the darkness - led by Maxim Gorky non party member
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How was literature used as a form of Social Realism how effective
- Boris Pasternak Dr Zhivago banned - 1932 union of all writers - very effective
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How was the cult of personality spread and what was it
Education Komsomol - Propaganda Stakhanovite movement - STalin as father - Stalins greatness
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Card 2


When did art have to be realist and why


1921 to make it accessible to the masses - portray a story - glorify communism and collecitivisation/5YP - should represent government rather than individual opinion

Card 3


When was the union of artists created and why


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Card 4


How was Music used as a form of Social Realism


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Card 5


How was Architecture used as a form of Social Realism


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