Sociology- Education

Correspondence Theory
Bowles and Gintis's theory that various aspects of economic production (work) have corresponding features in the education system.
1 of 20
Cultural Capital
Cultural skills, such as knowing how to behave, speak and learn passed on by middle-class parents to their children.
2 of 20
Equality Of Oppurtunity
Everybody having the same chances in life.
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Ideological Control
Getting people to behave in a desired way by convincing them that it is in their interests to behave in that way.
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A system where people are rewarded on the basis of ability and talent.
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Compensatory Education
Making more resources available to schools in poorer areas in order to compensate for deprivation.
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Differential Educational Attaintment
The extent to which educational achievment differs between social groups.
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Self-fulfilling Prophecy
A prediction that causes the outcome it predicts.
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An odd, peculiar, or strange condition, situation, quality, etc.
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A set of ideas that tell us how to make sense of the world.
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Emphasizing white middle-class culture at the expense of other cultures.
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Multicultural Education
Education that recognizes cultural diversity.
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Peer-group Status
Being seen as 'big' or important in the eyes of friends and other people around you.
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Personal and Social Education.
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Youth Training Scheme.
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The same throughout, undifferentiated.
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Where pupils are taught in groups according to their perceived ability.
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League Tables
Rank ordering of schools according to their test and examination results.
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Parity Of Esteem
Equal status, equally valued.
20 of 20

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Card 2


Cultural skills, such as knowing how to behave, speak and learn passed on by middle-class parents to their children.


Cultural Capital

Card 3


Everybody having the same chances in life.


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Card 4


Getting people to behave in a desired way by convincing them that it is in their interests to behave in that way.


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Card 5


A system where people are rewarded on the basis of ability and talent.


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