Sociological Positivism

  • Created by: alt1997
  • Created on: 25-01-18 19:12
what was society characterised by which questioned classism?
wealth and poverty
1 of 29
do people have free will?
2 of 29
what is crime caused by
things outside of our control
3 of 29
what does Quetelet quote
'criminals are a result of circumstance'
4 of 29
according to quetelet, why is there no free will
because crime fluctuates socio-economic conditions
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who has higher crime rates; employed or unemployed men?
unemployed men
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according to durkheim, why do all societies have crime
because everyone is not well socialised and people have free will
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according to durkheim, crime is beneficial in what 3 ways
social cohesion, social regulation, social change
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why does crime change over time
new boundaries of what crime is is changing
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is crime a result of the collective or individual
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according to Durkheim what makes a society 'healthy'
not too rigid and flexible
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what are 3 criticisms of durkheim
doesn't focus on how crime affects individuals or groups, doesnt recognise that crime can weaken solidarity and increase isolation and doesnt explain why some groups were more prone to divorce than others,
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who is this a strength of emphasizes the power of norms and social solidarity to restrain crime and what weakens norms.
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according to the Chicago School what is crime a response to
social disorganisation
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according to Park, what does disorganisation result in
high rates of transition
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according to Park what do high rates of transition result it
low moral bonding
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according to Shaw and Mckay what are low levels of transition charcterised by
high levels of conduct
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according to shaw and mckay, what type of society do we live in?
one that flaunts wealth, which creates desires to have.
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In the concentric rings, where does the most amount of crime take place
in the centre
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According to Bottoms, 2009 what did shaw and mckay get confused
where people lived and where they commit crime
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british failed research of concentric rings showed..
pattern of crime was much more complex
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what is a strength of shaw and mckay?
explains crime in certain areas
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who argues that cultural institutions socialise individuals into believing that material goals are realistic goals?
Robert Merton
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which adaption, rejects the goal but accepts the means
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which adaption, accepts the goal but rejects the means
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what do retreatists do
reject the goal and reject the means
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who is this a criticism of; fails to explain why some commit crime and others conform or retreat
27 of 29
what types of crime does merton fail to explain
sexual or violent (not economic gain crimes)
28 of 29
what is a strength of merton
explains higher crime rates among disadvantaged
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Card 2


do people have free will?



Card 3


what is crime caused by


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Card 4


what does Quetelet quote


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Card 5


according to quetelet, why is there no free will


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