Other questions in this quiz

2. What is meant by compliance?

  • The majority of individuals agree so that groups can form and operate efficiently
  • Individuals adjust their own actions to fit with the majority. Identification with the majority is desirable.
  • Close examination may convince individuals that they are wrong and the group is right, adjusting their own actions to fit the groups.

3. Internalisation is when an individual is exposed to views of other members of a group, individuals are not encouraged to engage in a validation process, examining their own beliefs to see if they or others are right.

  • False
  • True

4. What is meant by identification?

  • Individuals might accept influence because they want to establish a relationship with another person or group. They wish to feel more part of a group.
  • Join a group because they are lacking in confidence
  • A type of conformity that can have dangerous consequences

5. Identification has elements of both compliance and internalisation.

  • True
  • False


Rayanne :)


its a bit long :) but thanks! :D **



I didn't understand question 3, but good quiz.



AtomicBecca wrote:

I didn't understand question 3, but good quiz.

Sorry, it's false because I wrote 'individuals are encouraged NOT to engage' but in internalization they ARE encouraged :) 

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