Social Influence

  • Created by: alice
  • Created on: 12-03-13 10:29

1. What is the external locus of control?

  • When people see their actions as predetermined.
  • When people see the results of their actions as being effected by chance or other people.
  • When people see theri own personality and behaviour has effected an event.
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2. What is internalisation?

  • changing just opinion to fit in with a group.
  • changing behaviour and opinion to fit in with a group.
  • changing just behaviour to fit in with a group.

3. What is the authoritarian personality theory?

  • When people obey authority because they feel threatened.
  • people who have authoritarian personalities are preocupied with power, inflexible in beliefes and values and more likely to catagorise people into 'them' and 'us'.
  • When people are more likely to become an authority figure, do not obey authority figures and less likely to catagorise people into them and us.

4. What is compliance?

  • Changing just your opinion to fit in with a group.
  • Changing your behaviour to fit in with a group with out changing your opinion.
  • Changing both opinion and behaviour to fit in with a group.

5. What is informational social influence?

  • conforming to a group because you want power.
  • conforming to a group because of the desire to be correct.
  • conforming to a group because of the need for approval.


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