Social construction of disability

  • Created by: amber
  • Created on: 09-05-13 15:36
Social construction of disability: Hyde
'Instead of treating individuals that have been labelled as having a disability,we should change society's structure and knowledge'.
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Hyde continued...
More likley to be seen by employers as less able,even if their disability is physical rather than mental/learning related. Also,many people are unable to travel to work using public transport,because its designed for non-disabled people.
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Complementary medicine : Stanway
5 reasons for growth of alternative medicines. 1. Tradtional medicine is failing in certain fields.2.People are afraid of the iatrogenic effects of western medicine. 3. Religious/philosophical reservations about what is offered by orthodox medicine
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Stanway continued...
4.Protest about what is avaiable in orthodox systems. 5. Experiment with new medicine.
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Complementary medicine: Hardey
decline in the acceptance of the authority of professionals such as doctors.Growth of self expression and individual choice.
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Medical model view of disability
Internalises disability. Disability is something that needs treating or made easier to cope with through the use of medicine and medical professionals. e.g. prosthetic limbs. If a person cannot be fixed,they cannot have a full role in society.
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Medical model view continued...
Looks at what individuals cannot do rather than what they can.
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Social model view of disability
Disability is caused by social barriers (people's attitudes) and environmental barriers (physical things such as stairs). can be treated or made better by changing social environment and society. Reducing stigma and change opinions
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Social construction of disability: Shakespeare
Disability is created by societies that don't take into account the needs of those who don't meet with what that society's idea of normal is. It is therefore social attitudes which turn an impairment into a disability because society discriminates.
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Social construction of disability: Oliver
An impairment only becomes a disability when society creates it through physical and social barriers. Also,impediments imposed by society are as great as those imposed by the physical impairment.
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Social construction of disability: Goffman
When stigma becomes the only way a person is seen, then this becomes their 'master status'. e.g. a wheelchair user only being seen as a wheelchair user and not anything else.
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Social construction of disability: Finkelstein
Disability is the product of a capitalist society;before capitalism,the disabled begged or did agricultural work and were looked after by family.Development of factories meant that disabled people became more visible so were seen as a problem.
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Social construction of disability: Davies
Disabled people are seen as deviant, stereotyped as ugly,intellectually impaired and dependent.
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Social construction of disability: Barnes
Disabled people are absent from TV and newspapers or portrayed as pathetic or 'extraordinary'.
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Social construction of disability: Friedson (medical)
Disabled people have some impediment that prevents them from operating 'normally'.
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Card 2


More likley to be seen by employers as less able,even if their disability is physical rather than mental/learning related. Also,many people are unable to travel to work using public transport,because its designed for non-disabled people.


Hyde continued...

Card 3


5 reasons for growth of alternative medicines. 1. Tradtional medicine is failing in certain fields.2.People are afraid of the iatrogenic effects of western medicine. 3. Religious/philosophical reservations about what is offered by orthodox medicine


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Card 4


4.Protest about what is avaiable in orthodox systems. 5. Experiment with new medicine.


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Card 5


decline in the acceptance of the authority of professionals such as doctors.Growth of self expression and individual choice.


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