Social Influence Key Terms

Social Influence - Key Words:

Social Influence
The process by which individuals and groups change their behavior and attitudes
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A change in a persons behavior/beliefs due to real or imagined pressure - Aronson (2011)
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A temporary change in behavior to go along with the majority view e.g. liking punk rock music. It changes only public beliefs.
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Conformity because they value the the group so will publicly change their beliefs and behavior to fit in e.g. being vegan but going to Mcdonalds when not in the presence of the group
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Changing your public and private beliefs because you believe the infomation being given to you is correct e.g. accepting the beliefs of a religion. This is a permanent change even when the group is not present.
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Informational Social Influence (ISI)
An explanation of conformity that suggests we conform in the majority opinion because we believe their beliefs are correct so we accept them as being correct.
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Normative Social Influence (NSI)
An explanation of conformity that suggests we conform because we want to gain approval of the majority and avoid social rejection.
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A form of social influence where an individual follows a direct order usually given to them by a figure of authority who has the power to punish when behavior is not forthcoming.
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Social Roles
The parts people play as members a particular social groups that are accompanied by certain expectations that we have of what is appropriate for that social role e.g. parents should be caring etc.
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Agentic State
A mental state when an individual feels no personal responsibility for their actions as they believe they have been acting that way on behalf of an authority figure.
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Legitimacy of Authority
An explanation of obedience that states we are more likely to obey people if we think they have authority over us which is justified by the individuals position within the social hierarchy.
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Authoritarian Personality
A personality type that makes the individual susceptible to obeying people in authority positions. These individuals are submissive to those of a higher status and dismissive of inferiors.
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Internal Locus of Control (LOC)
Individuals believe they are responsible for their actions and what happens to them within their lifetime.
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External Locus of Control (LOC)
Individuals believe it is a matter of luck/fate for what happens to them in their lifetime.
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Minority Influence
A form of social influence where a minority (maybe just one individual) persuades others to adopt their beliefs about a subject.
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Social Change
This occurs when whole societies rather than just individuals adopt new attitudes and beliefs e.g. accepting that the Earth is round not flat.
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Card 2


A change in a persons behavior/beliefs due to real or imagined pressure - Aronson (2011)



Card 3


A temporary change in behavior to go along with the majority view e.g. liking punk rock music. It changes only public beliefs.


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Card 4


Conformity because they value the the group so will publicly change their beliefs and behavior to fit in e.g. being vegan but going to Mcdonalds when not in the presence of the group


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Card 5


Changing your public and private beliefs because you believe the infomation being given to you is correct e.g. accepting the beliefs of a religion. This is a permanent change even when the group is not present.


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