Social Influence

A change in a person's behaviour as a result of real or imagined pressure from a person or group of people (by example).
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Complying with the demands of an authority figure (by direction).
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Publicly going along with the majority to avoid rejection but privately maintaining your own opinion.
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Adopt the views and behaviours both publicly and privately, dependent upon the group.
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A true change of private views to match the group, it become part of our personal values and is not dependent upon the group.
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Informational Social Influence
When we conform with a desire to be right.
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Normative Social Influence
When we conform with the desire to be liked.
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Cognitive Dissonance
An unpleasant feeling of anxiety created by simultaneously holding two contradictory ideas.
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Confederates or Stooges
Individuals who pretend to be participants in research studies but are actually playing a part.
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Social-Psychological Explanations
Features that affect the rate of conformity. They are: agentic state and legitimacy of authority.
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Agentic State
The way in which an individual may obey an order because the individual hands over the responsibility for the outcome to the authority figure.
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Autonomous State
Opposite side of the agentic state, where individuals are seen as personally responsible for their actions.
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Legitimacy of Authority
The degree to which individuals are seen as justified in having power over others.
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Situational Variables
Features that affect the rate of conformity. They are: proximity, location and uniform.
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Dispositional Variables
Features that affect the rate of conformity. They are: the authoritarion personality.
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Authoritarian Personality
Description of a person who holds rigid beliefs, is intolerant of ambiguity, submissive to authority and hostile to those of lower status or members of a group.
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Resistance to Social Influence
The ways in which individuals attempt to withstand perceived attempts to threaten freedom of choice.
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Social Support
The perception of assistance and solidarity available from others.
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Locus of Control
The extent to which individuals believe that they can control events in their lives.
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Ethical Considerations
Deception, informed consent, potential harm and right to withdraw.
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Methodolgical Criticisms
Ecological validity, demand characteristics and participants.
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Systematic Processing
Analysis based on critical thinking.
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Minority Influence
A type of social influence that motivates individuals to reject established majority group norms.
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All male participants.
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All female participants.
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Behavioural Styles
Consistency, flexibility and commitment.
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Social Change
The process by which society changes beliefs, attitudes and behaviours to create new social norms (expected ways of behaviour and thinking).
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Complying with the demands of an authority figure (by direction).



Card 3


Publicly going along with the majority to avoid rejection but privately maintaining your own opinion.


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Card 4


Adopt the views and behaviours both publicly and privately, dependent upon the group.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A true change of private views to match the group, it become part of our personal values and is not dependent upon the group.


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