Social Influence

  • Created by: KNandi
  • Created on: 04-02-21 21:10

1. conformity occurs when:

  • individuals influence each other
  • individuals change their behavior in order to fit that of other people in the group
  • individuals stick to conventions of a society, such as wearing clothes
  • individuals mimic each other
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2. social influence is :

  • influencing how society operated and determining how it will operate in the future
  • the efforts on the part of one person to alter the behavior or attitudes of one or more others
  • the influence of society on us
  • being influenced by others

3. Private Compliance refers to:

  • actually coming to think and feel as the group does
  • actually declaring publicly that you believe internally as the group does
  • going along with others to save yourself embarrassment
  • openly defying the group and actually believing it

4. Why is conformity sometimes not a good thing?

  • it isn't; we should always do it
  • it is best that people all behave differently
  • it may threaten individuation on our part
  • deviating from the behavior of the majority is productive

5. group size affects perceived conformity pressure, in that, the.......... the group, the ....... pressure is exerted

  • larger; more
  • more cohesive;less
  • more compliant; less
  • smaller; more


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