Social influence

Social influence
The effect of other behaviors on a persons individual behaviour
1 of 8
Yielding to group pressure and copying actions without being ordeed to. Usual results in a positive outcome in tdodays society
2 of 8
Following the request of an authority figure
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Compliance (type 1 of conformity)
When inidviduals adapt behaviour to gain aproval or avoid disapproval. Occurs for want of public acceptance. Weak and temporary and only shown in group presence.
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Identification (type 2 of conformity)
Adapt behaviours because of the desire for membership to a group. Slightly stronger, involves pivate and public acceptance but discontinued when group is left
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Internalisation (type 3 of conformity)
Infividuals genuinely adjust behaviours as they are exposed to new beliefs and decide they are correct. Public and private acceptance of opinions
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Normative social influence
Conforming for the desire to be liked and accepted
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INformational social influence
Looking to others for information about how to behave in novel situations(can lead to internalisation)
8 of 8

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Card 2


Yielding to group pressure and copying actions without being ordeed to. Usual results in a positive outcome in tdodays society



Card 3


Following the request of an authority figure


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Card 4


When inidviduals adapt behaviour to gain aproval or avoid disapproval. Occurs for want of public acceptance. Weak and temporary and only shown in group presence.


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Card 5


Adapt behaviours because of the desire for membership to a group. Slightly stronger, involves pivate and public acceptance but discontinued when group is left


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