Social Influence

  • Created by: SusanNH
  • Created on: 22-05-18 09:08
Define internalisation.
Person genuinely accepts group norm; private & public change of opinion & behaviour; chance likely to be permanent; change persists without group members being present
1 of 8
Define the agentic state.
Mental state; feel no personal repsonsibility for behaviour; believe to be acting for authority figure; free from demands of our conscience & ready to obey even distructive authority figure
2 of 8
Define normative social influence.
NSI is about accepting group norms to gain social approval rather than be rejected or appear foolish; emotional rather than cognitive process; may be more pronounced in stressful situations where people have need for social support
3 of 8
Give one strength of NSI.
Research support for NSI from Asch study where 37% of the time pps went along with the wrong answer; when asked why they said they were afraid of disapproval; when Asch repeated the study and pps wrote down the answer conformity fell to 12.5%.
4 of 8
Give one weakness of NSI.
Individual differences; some people care less about being liked; nAffiliators care more about being liked and are therefore more likely to conform; not a good explanation for everybody
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Explain Locus of Control.
LOC refers to sense we have of what directs events in our lives; internals believe they are responsible themselves; external believe that it is mainly luch & outside forces
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Outline characteristics of a person with an internal LOC.
Believe events are largely controlled by themselves; more likely to resist pressure to conform, as they take responsiblity for their behaviour; more self-confident, achievement oriented, intelligent
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Outline characteristics of a person with external LOC.
Believe events happened without their control; due to luck; less self-confident
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Card 2


Mental state; feel no personal repsonsibility for behaviour; believe to be acting for authority figure; free from demands of our conscience & ready to obey even distructive authority figure


Define the agentic state.

Card 3


NSI is about accepting group norms to gain social approval rather than be rejected or appear foolish; emotional rather than cognitive process; may be more pronounced in stressful situations where people have need for social support


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Card 4


Research support for NSI from Asch study where 37% of the time pps went along with the wrong answer; when asked why they said they were afraid of disapproval; when Asch repeated the study and pps wrote down the answer conformity fell to 12.5%.


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Card 5


Individual differences; some people care less about being liked; nAffiliators care more about being liked and are therefore more likely to conform; not a good explanation for everybody


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