Social Change

What did Mackie propose?
Majority alternative opinion causes greater depth of thought than minority alternative opinion
1 of 9
What did Nemeth propose?
Minority influence is indirect and delayed, and often seen as uncompromising
2 of 9
What did Bashir propose?
People are less likely to agree with minority influence because they associate them with negative stereotypes
3 of 9
What did Nolan do?
Hung messages on the door saying 'other residents are reducing their energy consumption'
4 of 9
How does Asch's study show support for social change helping people to resist conformity?
A dissenter lead participants to use them as a model for not conforming
5 of 9
How did Milgram's study support that social change helps people to resist obedience?
Disobeying confederate reduced the conformity of participants
6 of 9
What did Zimbardo say about social change and obedience?
Social change via disobedience comes gradually (gradual commitment)
7 of 9
What did Moscovici say about minority influence and social change?
Alternative minority view causes greater depth of thought than the same majority view (as you)
8 of 9
What is the fifth stage of social change?
Snowball Effect
9 of 9

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Card 2


What did Nemeth propose?


Minority influence is indirect and delayed, and often seen as uncompromising

Card 3


What did Bashir propose?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Nolan do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does Asch's study show support for social change helping people to resist conformity?


Preview of the front of card 5
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