Sleep and Cognition

  • Created by: Yasmetron
  • Created on: 26-02-23 18:59
What does sleep deprivation cause?
lack of prior sleep compromises learning and hippocampal activation during learning meaning worse recall
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What are the sleep stages?
Stage 1 - theta waves
Stage 2 - sleep spindles
Stage 3 and 4 = slow-wave sleep
REM = rapid eye movement
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What did Walker et al. (2002) study and find?
Sequential finger tapping task on non-dominant hand - 41234
AM/PM design to tease apart benefits of time spent awake vs. sleep
The faster you are at tapping the more skilled they are. They looked at the time spent in different stages of sleep, and then lo
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What did Wagner et al. (2004) find?
in solvers, sleep had no impact on the reaction times (RTs) in the task. In non-solvers sleep made RTs significantly faster. Sleep promoted insight in solvers and facilitated calculations in non-solvers.
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What is the relationship between sleep and false memories?
Payne et al. (2009)
- help transfer old solutions to new analogical problems
- to gain insight to problems
- to extract the “gist” of new memories (which can lead to falsememories)
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How is the hippocampus linked to sleep?
A: Hippocampus rapidly encodes new information and integrates it in distributed cortical networks
B: Hippocampal information repeatedly reactivated during sleep -> gradually strengthens cortico-cortical connections
C: Reactivation over time integrates new
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What do people dream about?
Hall (1972) found that people tend to dream about their waking experience
Dreams often incorporate isolated elements of waking experience intermingled with fragments other recent and older memories.
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How does damage to the hippocampus affect dreaming?
people with hippocampus damage dream less than those without
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What did Wamsley et al. (2010) find?
Train on a maze navigation task, then take a nap or stay awake. Everyone asked 3 times to report what they were dreaming about or thinking about during sleep/wake.
Sleep group improved during the nap.
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What did Schoch et al. (2018) find?
Dreaming about what you learned predicts later memory, but only when looking at non-REM dreams
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What did Gupta et al. (2010) study and find?
Rats learn to find food (sometimes sequence A, sometimes B) and return to start.
At wakeful rest, the rat hippocampus replays the sequences. Sometimes identically to experience, and sometimes backwards.
At rest, the rat hippocampus also activated a shortc
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Card 2


What are the sleep stages?


Stage 1 - theta waves
Stage 2 - sleep spindles
Stage 3 and 4 = slow-wave sleep
REM = rapid eye movement

Card 3


What did Walker et al. (2002) study and find?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Wagner et al. (2004) find?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the relationship between sleep and false memories?


Preview of the front of card 5
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