Situational variables affecting obedience

What did Stanley Milgram's experiment demonstrate?
Ordinary people are astrounguishly obedient even when asked to do something against their own morality.
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When was Milgram's experiment?
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What is the difference between Zimbardo and Milgram?
Zimbardo investigated conformity to social roles, Milgram tested obedience through learning and fake electric shocks .
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Describe the procedure
40 participants told the experiment was to see how punishment affects learning. Some were learners some teachers , however it was rigged so real participant was always teacher administering the shocks.
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What was learner tested on?
Ability to recall word pairs, if they got one wrong, a fake electric shock was admistered. Started at 15 volts, went all the way to 450 volts- enough to kill human being.
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What happened if the teacher asked to stop
A series of prods was given so the teacher would continue. 1- Please continue , to its absolutely essential you continue , to you have no over choice but to continue.
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What were the predictions
People were asked before study to predict how far teachers would go, people said they would go to 150 volts max. 1-1000 poeple would go to full 450 volts.
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What happened in reality
65% of all participants continued to 450 volts. All participants went to 300 volts , despite being danger signs.
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What is the first dispositional factor in obedience?
proximity- obedience levels decrease with proximity. Same room 40 percent- 30 percent when ppl had to force the learners hand.
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Describe location
Legitimacy of location has effect on obedience levels. In yale uni it is a very formal professional location, ppl said that they would not have continued if experiment was not taking part anywhere else.
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How many ppl went to 450 volts in yale compared to rundown office in Bridgeport
65%---- 48%
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Describe uniform as a factor affecting obedience
Easily recognisable and conveys power and authority, in uniform conveys this then obedience levels increase
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Describe findings from parking meter experiment
Police lady- 78% business women- 48%- Beggar- 52%
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Card 2


When was Milgram's experiment?



Card 3


What is the difference between Zimbardo and Milgram?


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Card 4


Describe the procedure


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Card 5


What was learner tested on?


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