Short and long term memory

What is capacity?
Measure of how much can be held in memory. Represented in bits of information like digits.
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What is duration?
A measure of how long a memory lasts before its no longer available.
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What is LTM?
Your memory for events which have happened in the past. This lasts from 2 minutes to 100 years. Potential for unlimited duration and capacity, tends to be coded semantically.
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What is STM?
Your memory for immediate events, measured in seconds and minute, so STM has a short duration. Disappear unless rehearsed . STM has limited capacity of three to four chunks, tends to be coded acoustically. Sometimes referred to as working memory.
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What is coding?
Way information is changed so that it can be stored in memory, info enterers via the senses then is stored in various forms like visual/acoustic/semantic codes.
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explain baddeleys findings into coding
more mistakes were found when asked to repeat acoustically similar words straigjt after learning them, more mistakes were made after 20 mins with semantically similar words
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How is STM encoded
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How is LTM encoded
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A03 of baddeley
did not test LTM effectively, asking people to recall after 20 minutes was too short- doesent reflect real life. LTM may not always be encoded sematically, frost said its sometimes divided into visual and auditory code
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Outline millers study into capaciety 7 plus-2 chunks
believed we tend to group things in groups of 7 by chunking, suggesting we prepositioned to remeber this quantity.
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A03 of miller
size of the chunk matters, may have overemphaises it 7 more like 4
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What did jacobs say about capacity
found average digit span for digits was 9.3,as there are less digits than letters, whereas letters it was 7.3. However his methods were unscientific, used long word lists and confounding variables were present like noisy room. low mundane realism
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Individual differences- capacity aint same for everyone, changes with age, increased cos of changes in brain developmemts like chunking
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summarise petersons research into duruation of STM
around 18-30 secounds- asked to recall a nonsense sylabble after 3,6,9,12,15,18 secounds- they had to count backwards during a retention interval. 90% correct over 3 secounds, 20% over 9 secounds and 2% correct over 18 secounds
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Artifcal and of low mundane realism- memorising sylabbles dont reflect everyday memory tasks
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Summarise Bahricks investigation into duruation on LTM
400 people on their memory for classmates using yearbook photos- parctipants that had been tested after 15 years were 90% accurate, after 48 years declined to 70% showing has potentially unlimited duruation
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is duration?


A measure of how long a memory lasts before its no longer available.

Card 3


What is LTM?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is STM?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is coding?


Preview of the front of card 5
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