SEM2: Thorax I


1. what is congenital diaphragmatic hernia

  • failure of closure of the diaphragm causing abdominal contents to push into the thorax, making the lungs and pulmonary vessels smaller causing pulmonary hypotension
  • weakness of the diaphragm leading to an oesophageal hiatus that abdominal contents push through - usually the stomach
  • paralysis of half the diaphragm. one side appears higher than the other on X-rays and moves paradoxically (up breathing out and down breathing in)
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2. how does the diaphragm develop

  • starts as a central myotome at C3 , then descends though C4 and 5 collecting myotomes
  • starts as a central tendon at C2 , then descends though C3,4,5 collecting myotomes
  • starts as a central tendon at C3 , then descends though C4 and 5 collecting myotomes
  • starts as a central tendon at C1 , then descends though C2,3,4,5 collecting myotomes

3. what are the attachments of the pec major

  • clavicle and the coracoid process of the scapula
  • clavicle and sternocostal
  • ribs 3-5 and sternocostal
  • ribs 3-5 and the coracoid process of the scapula

4. what is costochondritis

  • inflammation of your costochondrial joint (joint between the rib and cartilage)
  • inflammation of your costochondrial joint (joint between the manubrium and cartilage)
  • inflammation of your cartilage
  • inflammation of your costochondrial joint (joint between the sternum and cartilage)

5. which muscles are used in passive expiration

  • external intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax
  • external intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract
  • internal intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract
  • internal intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax


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