Clinical Examination - Respiratory System (II)

  • Created by: Eltanova
  • Created on: 12-10-20 18:19
Based on the following occupational hx, what is the most common possible disease the patient can get? "Ronny dissembles old sheds and works in many old buildings as a builder for the past year. Prior to that, Ronny worked in a clothing store"
1 of 24
What respiratory side effects can be caused oestrogens?
Pulmonary thromboembolism
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What respiratory side effects can be caused amiodarone?
Diffuse parenchymal lung disease
3 of 24
Which explanation best describes stridor?
High pitched, crowing sound heard predominantly in inspiration
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Which explanation best describes wheeze?
High pitched, continuous musical sound
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Which explanation best describes Crackles?
Fine, short, high pitched, intermittent sounds
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Which explanation best describes Pleural rub?
Rasping, grating sound, sounding superficial
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What Dx is likely? "Patient presents with fever, wheeze, cough and sputum"
Acute bronchitis
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What Dx is likely? "Sudden but severe dyspnoea, with normal breath sounds"
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What Dx is likely? "Patient with progressive dyspnoea, tachypnoea, inspiratory fine crackles and cyanosis"
Pulmonary fibrosis
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What Dx is likely? "Episodes of pleural pain, haemoptysis, a pleural rub, swollen leg if DVT, or crackles if infarct"
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What Dx is likely? "Progressive dyspnoea, unilateral basal dullness and reduced breath sounds"
Pleural effusion
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What Dx is likely? "Patient presents with insidious onset, weight loss, persisting pain or cough, cervical lymphadenopathy, clubbing, signs of lobar or lung collapse, with or without effusion"
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What Dx is likely? "Expiratory wheeze, hay fever, atrophy, pet owner and disturbance of sleep"
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What Dx is likely? "History suggests acute on chronic dyspnoea, with hyperinflation on examination"
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What would be the most suitable investigation for suspected COPD?
CXR, Respiratory function, O2 saturation or ABG, sputum and blood culture, WCC, CRP
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What would be the most suitable investigation for suspected Acute bronchitis?
CXR, Respiratory function, O2 saturation or ABG, sputum and blood culture, WCC, CRP
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What would be the most suitable investigation for suspected Pneumonia?
CXR, Respiratory function, O2 saturation or ABG, sputum and blood culture, WCC, CRP
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What would be the most suitable investigation for suspected Malignancy?
CXR, CT scan thorax + abdomen, Bronchoscopy (if central), CT guided biopsy (if peripheral), Respiratory function
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What would be the most suitable investigation for suspected Pulmonary fibrosis?
CXR, High resolution CT thorax, Respiratory function, Autoantibodies
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What would be the most suitable investigation for suspected Asthma?
Pulmonary function tests (Peak flow diary, FEV1/reversibility), O2 saturation or ABG, IgE, Allergen skin test
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What would be the most suitable investigation for suspected Pleural effusion?
CXR, Ultrasound guided aspiration
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What would be the most suitable investigation for suspected PE?
d-Dimers, CT pulmonary angiogram, Echocardiogram, O2 saturation or ABG
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What would be the most suitable investigation for suspected Interstitial lung disease?
CXR, High resolution CT thorax, Respiratory function, Autoantibodies
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What respiratory side effects can be caused oestrogens?


Pulmonary thromboembolism

Card 3


What respiratory side effects can be caused amiodarone?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which explanation best describes stridor?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which explanation best describes wheeze?


Preview of the front of card 5
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