Sebastain and Hernandez-Gil

Investigate the development of the phonological loop in children 5-17 using digit span as a measure of phonological capacity, then compare this information to findings of their previous research on adult, aged, and dementia patients
1 of 10
-570 p's taken from schools in madrid, all native and no cog impairments
- P's divided into five different age groups
- P's were tested individually, they were read increasing sequences of digits, and had to recall in the correct order
- Digit span for P
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Developmental trend of increasing digit span with age

Age groups Mean DS
5 - 3.76
6-8 - 4.34
9-11 - 5.13
12-14 - 5.46
15-17 - 5.83
3 of 10
Comparing findings to previous research with elderly, aged, and dementia patients
-Elderly P's had significantly higher digit span compared to 5 year olds, but no significant difference from other age groups
-AD patients showed similar profile, however those with FTD had a digit span significantly similar to the younger age group
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Comparing findings to Anglo-Saxon Research
Consistent with anglo-saxon research, This investigation showed a increase in digit span over time in the spanish population.
Capacity of digit span was far lower in Spanish Population compared to digit span of 7 found in Anglo-Saxon Studies. This could
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+ High Level of population validity as sample was large - representative
+ Results capable of being generalised to wider public
- Not generalisable to all cultures, all P's born in spain (word length effect)
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+ Standardised Procedure - digits read aloud at a constant rate of 1 second for every P
+ Good control of confounding variables (excluded any participants with hearing, reading and writing difficulties. These are known to affect digit span) meaning that I
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+ Can be applied to a wider population due to tracking the transformation of digit span across ages, gives an idea what age learning becomes easier
+ Could also give aid to primary schools and how students are educated
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+ Good ecological validity due to school setting
- Artificial Task, not how STM is used in everyday life
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- Target groups were children under 16 and patients with Alzehimers/FTD making them appear as vulnerable
- Raises issue of receiving proper informed consent from P's
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Card 2


-570 p's taken from schools in madrid, all native and no cog impairments
- P's divided into five different age groups
- P's were tested individually, they were read increasing sequences of digits, and had to recall in the correct order
- Digit span for P



Card 3


Developmental trend of increasing digit span with age

Age groups Mean DS
5 - 3.76
6-8 - 4.34
9-11 - 5.13
12-14 - 5.46
15-17 - 5.83


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Card 4


-Elderly P's had significantly higher digit span compared to 5 year olds, but no significant difference from other age groups
-AD patients showed similar profile, however those with FTD had a digit span significantly similar to the younger age group


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Card 5


Consistent with anglo-saxon research, This investigation showed a increase in digit span over time in the spanish population.
Capacity of digit span was far lower in Spanish Population compared to digit span of 7 found in Anglo-Saxon Studies. This could


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