Searching Algorithms and Sorting


1. Sorting method which uses the middle number as a pivot and you rewrite the list depending on the numbers being bigger or smaller than the pivot

  • Quick Sort
  • Bubble Sort
  • Binary Search
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2. Searching method in which you choose a middle item out of the ordered list and compare it to the item being found. List halves each time

  • Quick Sort
  • Binary Search
  • Bubble Sort

3. Least reliable bin packing algorithm

  • Full Fit
  • First Fit
  • First fit decreasing

4. Most difficult but most likely to provide optimal solution bin packing algorithm

  • Full fit
  • First fit decreasing
  • First fit

5. Two sorting methods which place a list into ascending or descending order

  • Bubble sort + Quick Sort
  • Bubble sort + Binary search
  • Binary search + Quick sort


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