Other questions in this quiz

2. What is lithosphere?

  • The crust and the outer part of the mantle.
  • Oceanic and continental plates
  • Subduction process

3. Explain why tectonic plates move.

  • Huge convection currents are set up, this pushes hot material upwards, cools near the crust, then sinks again, pushing the tectonic plates around the Earth. Cooler oceanic plates go under the continental plates called subduction.
  • Nothing happens
  • They bounce or jump.

4. Explain why tectonic plates float on mantle.

  • Because tectonic plates are less dense than the mantle.
  • They are light
  • They don't have a weight.

5. What are tectonic plates?

  • Convection currents
  • Lithosphere broken into huge parts.
  • Oceanic and continental plates


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