Scale of Production

A quick quiz on all the different types of Scale of Production


1. What is Mass Production?

  • where the item is made on a production line and can work 24/7
  • where the item is made as a single unit alone, QC checks happen as the single item goes through each stages of manufacture
  • Where a large quantity of the product is made, it does not require a skilled work force, appeals to national and international trade, Enables identical products to be made
  • Where the item is made around the clock, in high quantites and do not benefet from any QC checks
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Other questions in this quiz

2. what is a Batch Production?

  • Where the item is made around the clock in a large quantity
  • Where the product is made very slowly in a set time
  • Where the product is made in predetermined 'batches' and is usually in the quantity of 100-1000. And wont be made in a batch for a set time period
  • Where a large number of items are made within a certain time period

3. When would Continuous Production be halted?

  • when the next order is placed
  • Only when the machinery needs mantenance, but otherwise the machinary will run 24/7
  • After the Product is made
  • When the workmen want a tea break

4. What is Continuous Production?

  • Where the products are made in batches of 100's or 1000's and supplied everymonth, the materials for this are kept in a warehouse and dont use JIT
  • Where a product is made in a large quantity, Once a month, the QC checks are at the end of the line of production and the items are similair
  • Where the product is made 24/7 on an assembly line, QC checks are at each station in the assembly line, there is a constant supply of products and much of the production uses the JIT
  • the item is made once to the product users demands


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