S2W4 integrated control of BP (FS)

What is the equation for blood pressure?
Cardiac output times by systemic resistance?
1 of 12
What is the equation for cardiac output?
Stroke volume times by heart rate
2 of 12
What is isoprenaline?
A non selectictive B-adrenergic receptor. It increases cardiac output by increasing heart rate and cardiac contractility.
3 of 12
What is the role of the baroreflex?
homeostatic mechanism that adjusts cardiac output and vascular tone to stabilise arterial pressure.
4 of 12
Where are baroreceptors found?
Carotid sinus and aortic arch
5 of 12
What is the role of cardiopulmonary afferents?
reflexively activate the cardiovascular system, leading to an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and myocardial contractile function.
6 of 12
What are some cardiopulmonary afferent examples?
Ventricular chemoreceptors
myelinated veno-arterial receptors
unmyelinated cardiac receptors
coronary artery baroreceptors
7 of 12
What is the ventolateral medulla?
part of the medulla oblongota in the brainsten, plays a major role in blood pressure and breathing.
8 of 12
What are the two main parts of the Ventolateral medulla?
Cauda ventolateral medulla and rostral alteral medulla.
9 of 12
What is the role of the CVLM and the RVLM?
responsible for basal and reflex control of the sympathetic activity associated with cardiovascular activity the CVLM regulates the RVLM.
10 of 12
What are the main nerves involeved in the baroreceptor reflex?
Central nerve IX and X.
11 of 12
What is the name of the nucleus all baroreceptors neurons are found?
Nucleus tractus solitarius
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the equation for cardiac output?


Stroke volume times by heart rate

Card 3


What is isoprenaline?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the role of the baroreflex?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where are baroreceptors found?


Preview of the front of card 5
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