
  • Created by: anyarms
  • Created on: 11-01-23 15:01
The Human Nervous System is made up off...
The Peripheral Nervous System and Central Nervous System
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The Peripheral system is responsible for
the regeneration of tissue when damaged
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The Peripheral Nervous System is made up of...
the autonomic and somatic systems
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the autonomic system controls
the activities of the organs and glands
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the two areas of the autonomic system are called
the sympathetic and parasypathetic systems
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the sympathetic system is responsible for
fight or flight
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the parasympathetic system is important for
rest and relaxation
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the somatic system controls
external actions such as the muscles and skin
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The CNS is made up of
the spinal cord, brainstem and hindbrain
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the hindbrain is a collection of what areas of the brain
the medulla, pons and cerebellum
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the medulla is responsible for
the extension of the spinal cord and controls the bodies heart rate, blood circulation, respiration, salvation, coughing and sneezing
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the pons is
where majority of the cranial nerves join
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the cerebellum is responsible for
fine motor skills, coordination and balance, cognitive functions relating to attention and langauge
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The midbrain is made up of
superior colliculus, inferior colliculus and the substantia nigra
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the superior colliculus is responsible for
vision, specifically eye movement and gaze
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the inferior colliculus is responsible for
hearing, specifically sound localisation
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substantia nigra is responsible for
movement, specifically projecting information to the basal ganglia to integrate movements.
Also a pathway for dopamine
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The different areas to the forebrain are called
Diencephalon, basal ganglia and the limbic system
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the diencephalon is built up of
the thalamus and hypothalamus
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the thalamus is responsible for
receiving information from sensory organs (not olfaction), transmits and filters the information to the cortex
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the hypothalamus is responsible for
regulating body temperature, hunger and thirst and sexual behaviour
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the basal ganglia built up of
the caudate nucleus, putamen and the globus paliclus
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the basal ganglia participates in
planning behaviour, direct intentional movements emotional expression
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the limbic system is built up of
the hippocampus, amygdala and cingulate cortex
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the hippocampus is responsible for
learning new memories, integration of new memories into stable knowledge
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the amygdala is responsible for
emotional behaviour and the formation of emotional memories
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the cingulate cortex is responsible for
linking behaviours with outcomes to motivation and learning
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the limbic system is affected in
depression and schizonphrenia
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The brain lobes are
frontal cortex, parietal cortex, temporal cortex and the occipital cortex
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the frontal cortex is responsible for
movement and complex human cognition and behaviour
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the key areas of the frontal cortex are
primary motor cortex, premotor cortex and the broca's area
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the parietal lobe is responsible for
body sensation and spatial orientation
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the temporal lobe is responsible for
auditory, vision and the wernickes area
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the occipital lobe is responsible for
visual space, this is the primary function
the recognition of colour, movement and shape, this is the higher function
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the cortical structures are
prefrontal cortex, brocas area, auditory cortex, postcentral gyrus (somatosensory cortex) wernickes area and the visual cortex
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


the regeneration of tissue when damaged


The Peripheral system is responsible for

Card 3


the autonomic and somatic systems


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


the activities of the organs and glands


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


the sympathetic and parasypathetic systems


Preview of the back of card 5
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