Russian Society

What percentage of the population were Peasants?
80 Percent
1 of 20
What percentage of people lived in Towns?
6.96 percent
2 of 20
Who were the main people involved with the Strikes/
Working Class
3 of 20
What do the Liberals want in society?
Freedom/ anyone can vote
4 of 20
What is Marx interested in?
Philosophy AND History
5 of 20
What is Marx concerned about?
Conditions of the Working Class
6 of 20
What does the October Manifesto signify?
The regime is on the verge of collapsing
7 of 20
Wat is majorly occuring in the Russian cities?
8 of 20
What is occuring in the countryside?
Peasant Uprisings.
9 of 20
What committee calls for a general strike?
Worker and Soldier Committee
10 of 20
Who warns the Tsar of a revolution?
11 of 20
Who calls for a Moderate reform?
12 of 20
Who threatens to Kill himself unless reforms begin?
Grand Duke Nicholy
13 of 20
What does the Tsar agree on 17th October?
A decree promising a constitution with Reforms containing civil freedoms of conscience , speech assembley's and Union
14 of 20
What did the Manifesto receive?
Celebrations amongst Streets.
15 of 20
What was the Duma?
They allowed a voice to all the population and have power to make laws.
16 of 20
What is the Tsar against?
Deeply against any limits to his power
17 of 20
What does Trepor order soldiers to do?
Call for Civil Rights and sends them onto streets to restore order.
18 of 20
What did the appearance of concessions involve?
Civil Liberties/Consultative Assembly for legislation/ broader franchise.
19 of 20
What changes occured in November?
Changes to Peasant conditions/1 January Redemption Payments Abolished. /Land Bank expanded
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What percentage of people lived in Towns?


6.96 percent

Card 3


Who were the main people involved with the Strikes/


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do the Liberals want in society?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Marx interested in?


Preview of the front of card 5
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